Class reference

Subclass of CIM_BIOSElement

BIOSElement represents the low-level software that is loaded into non-volatile storage and used to bring up and configure a ComputerSystem.

Local properties

string InstanceID

InstanceID is an optional property that may be used to opaquely and uniquely identify an instance of this class within the scope of the instantiating Namespace. Various subclasses of this class may override this property to make it required, or a key. Such subclasses may also modify the preferred algorithms for ensuring uniqueness that are defined below.

To ensure uniqueness within the NameSpace, the value of InstanceID should be constructed using the following “preferred” algorithm:


Where <OrgID> and <LocalID> are separated by a colon (:), and where <OrgID> must include a copyrighted, trademarked, or otherwise unique name that is owned by the business entity that is creating or defining the InstanceID or that is a registered ID assigned to the business entity by a recognized global authority. (This requirement is similar to the <Schema Name>_<Class Name> structure of Schema class names.) In addition, to ensure uniqueness, <OrgID> must not contain a colon (:). When using this algorithm, the first colon to appear in InstanceID must appear between <OrgID> and <LocalID>.

<LocalID> is chosen by the business entity and should not be reused to identify different underlying (real-world) elements. If not null and the above “preferred” algorithm is not used, the defining entity must assure that the resulting InstanceID is not reused across any InstanceIDs produced by this or other providers for the NameSpace of this instance.

If not set to null for DMTF-defined instances, the “preferred” algorithm must be used with the <OrgID> set to CIM.

string Version

Software Version should be in the form <Major>.<Minor>.<Revision> or <Major>.<Minor><letter><revision>.

string ElementName

A user-friendly name for the object. This property allows each instance to define a user-friendly name in addition to its key properties, identity data, and description information.

Note that the Name property of ManagedSystemElement is also defined as a user-friendly name. But, it is often subclassed to be a Key. It is not reasonable that the same property can convey both identity and a user-friendly name, without inconsistencies. Where Name exists and is not a Key (such as for instances of LogicalDevice), the same information can be present in both the Name and ElementName properties. Note that if there is an associated instance of CIM_EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities, restrictions on this properties may exist as defined in ElementNameMask and MaxElementNameLen properties defined in that class.

string Description

The Description property provides a textual description of the object.

datetime ReleaseDate

Date that this BIOS was released.

string Manufacturer

Manufacturer of this SoftwareElement.

uint16 TargetOperatingSystem

The TargetOperatingSystem property specifies the element’s operating system environment. The value of this property does not ensure that it is binary executable. Two other pieces of information are needed. First, the version of the OS needs to be specified using the class, CIM_OSVersion Check. The second piece of information is the architecture that the OS runs on. This information is verified using CIM_ArchitectureCheck. The combination of these constructs clearly identifies the level of OS required for a particular SoftwareElement.

ValueMap Values
0 Unknown
1 Other
6 Tru64 UNIX
7 OpenVMS
10 MVS
11 OS400
12 OS/2
13 JavaVM
15 WIN3x
16 WIN95
17 WIN98
20 NCR3000
21 NetWare
22 OSF
23 DC/OS
24 Reliant UNIX
25 SCO UnixWare
26 SCO OpenServer
27 Sequent
29 Solaris
30 SunOS
31 U6000
33 HP NonStop OS
34 HP NonStop OSS
35 BS2000
37 Lynx
39 VM
40 Interactive UNIX
42 FreeBSD
43 NetBSD
44 GNU Hurd
45 OS9
46 MACH Kernel
47 Inferno
48 QNX
50 IxWorks
51 VxWorks
52 MiNT
53 BeOS
55 NextStep
56 PalmPilot
57 Rhapsody
58 Windows 2000
59 Dedicated
60 OS/390
61 VSE
62 TPF
63 Windows (R) Me
64 Caldera Open UNIX
65 OpenBSD
66 Not Applicable
67 Windows XP
68 z/OS
69 Microsoft Windows Server 2003
70 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 64-Bit
71 Windows XP 64-Bit
72 Windows XP Embedded
73 Windows Vista
74 Windows Vista 64-Bit
75 Windows Embedded for Point of Service
76 Microsoft Windows Server 2008
77 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 64-Bit
78 FreeBSD 64-Bit
79 RedHat Enterprise Linux
80 RedHat Enterprise Linux 64-Bit
81 Solaris 64-Bit
83 SUSE 64-Bit
85 SLES 64-Bit
86 Novell OES
87 Novell Linux Desktop
88 Sun Java Desktop System
89 Mandriva
90 Mandriva 64-Bit
91 TurboLinux
92 TurboLinux 64-Bit
93 Ubuntu
94 Ubuntu 64-Bit
95 Debian
96 Debian 64-Bit
97 Linux 2.4.x
98 Linux 2.4.x 64-Bit
99 Linux 2.6.x
100 Linux 2.6.x 64-Bit
101 Linux 64-Bit
102 Other 64-Bit
103 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
104 VMware ESXi
105 Microsoft Windows 7
106 CentOS 32-bit
107 CentOS 64-bit
108 Oracle Linux 32-bit
109 Oracle Linux 64-bit
110 eComStation 32-bitx
111 Microsoft Windows Server 2011
113 Microsoft Windows Server 2012
114 Microsoft Windows 8
115 Microsoft Windows 8 64-bit
116 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2

string[] ListOfLanguages

A list of installable languages for the BIOS. This information can be obtained from SMBIOS, from the string list that follows the Type 13 structure. An ISO 639 Language Name should be used to specify the BIOS’ installable languages. The ISO 3166 Territory Name and the encoding method may also be specified, following the Language Name.

string Name

The name used to identify this SoftwareElement.

string LanguageEdition

The value of this property identifies the language edition of this SoftwareElement. The language codes defined in ISO 639 should be used. Where the element represents a multi-lingual or international version, the string “Multilingual” should be used.

uint64 LoadedStartingAddress

The starting address of the memory which this BIOS occupies.

string Caption

The Caption property is a short textual description (one- line string) of the object.

uint8 SystemBIOSMinorRelease

Indicates the minor release of the system BIOS, e.g. the value will be 16h for revision 10.22 and 01h for revision 2.1. The value 0xFF denotes the system does not support the use of this field.

uint16 SoftwareElementState

The SoftwareElementState is defined in this model to identify various states of a SoftwareElement’s life cycle.

  • A SoftwareElement in the deployable state describes the details necessary to successfully distribute it and the details (Checks and Actions) required to move it to the installable state (i.e, the next state).
  • A SoftwareElement in the installable state describes the details necessary to successfully install it and the details (Checks and Actions) required to create an element in the executable state (i.e., the next state).
  • A SoftwareElement in the executable state describes the details necessary to successfully start it and the details (Checks and Actions) required to move it to the running state (i.e., the next state).
  • A SoftwareElement in the running state describes the details necessary to manage the started element.
ValueMap Values
0 Deployable
1 Installable
2 Executable
3 Running

uint8 EmbeddedControllerFirmwareMajorRelease

Indicates the major release of the embedded controller firmware, e.g. the value will be 0Ah for revision 10.22 and 02h for revision 2.1. The value 0xFF denotes the embedded controller firmware is not field-upgradeable.

string CurrentLanguage

The currently selected language for the BIOS. This information can be obtained from SMBIOS, using the Current Language attribute of the Type 13 structure, to index into the string list following the structure. The property is formatted using the ISO 639 Language Name, and may be followed by the ISO 3166 Territory Name and the encoding method.

uint8 SystemBIOSMajorRelease

Indicates the major release of the system BIOS, e.g. the value will be 0Ah for revision 10.22 and 02h for revision 2.1. The value 0xFF denotes the system does not support the use of this field.

string SoftwareElementID

This is an identifier for the SoftwareElement and is designed to be used in conjunction with other keys to create a unique representation of the element.

boolean PrimaryBIOS

If true, this is the primary BIOS of the ComputerSystem.

uint8 EmbeddedControllerFirmwareMinorRelease

Indicates the minor release of the embedded controller firmware, e.g. the value will be 16h for revision 10.22 and 01h for revision 2.1. The value 0xFF denotes the embedded controller firmware is not field-upgradeable.

Local methods


Inherited properties

Inherited methods
