
SSSD provider does not follow any DMTF profile.

The base class of any SSSD management is LMI_SSSDService. While it does not provide any functionality by itself, configuration of all SSSD component is associated to it.

First, let’s look at the simple classes:

SSSD provider model - basics

  • Instance of LMI_SSSDMonitor is a SSSD component that executes the other components and makes sure they stay running.
  • Instances of LMI_SSSDResponder class represent SSSD components that implement one of the supported services and provide data to clients.

SSSD provider shows also domains and subdomains:

SSSD provider model - domains

  • LMI_SSSDDomain represents joined domains and subdomains. In this example, IPA.EXAMPLE.COM is the main domain, with two subdomains, AD.EXAMPLE.COM and CHILD.IPA.EXAMPLE.COM.
  • LMI_SSSDBackend represents SSSD backends - components that manage data from one domain and its subdomains. Each domain has exactly one backend, which can be enabled or disabled in order to enable or disable the domain.
  • LMI_SSSDProvider represents data providers for SSSD. Note: these are not CIM providers.