
Some common use cases are described in the following parts.

Getting locale settings

Create connection, get instance (assuming the default namespace ‘root/cimv2’ is used):

c = connect("https://myhost")
# optionally create namespace alias
ns = c.root.cimv2
locale = ns.LMI_Locale.first_instance()

Print what you’re interested in:

# get LANG setting
print locale.Lang
# get X11Layouts
print locale.X11Layouts
# get VConsoleKeymap
print locale.VConsoleKeymap
# get system timezone
print locale.timezone
# get whether the RTC is maintained in local time
print locale.LocalRTC
# get whether the system can be synchronized by NTP
# and whether synchronization is enabled/disabled at the moment
print locale.CanNTP
print locale.NTP

Or print everything:

# get all available settings

Setting system locale

Set LANG and/or set individual locale variables. Lang, Language, LCCType, LCAddress, LCNumeric, LCTelephone, LCCollate, LCPaper, LCMonetary, LCTime, LCMessages, LCIdentification, LCName and LCMeasurement properties correspond to likewise named Linux locale environmental variables:

# set LANG (LANG value is used also for all other locale categories by default)
# set LANG and set different value for LC_TELEPHONE
# note that SetLocale() clears previous setting - if you want to preserve
# LANG value, you have to set it again

Setting default key mapping of the X11 servers

Set default key mapping for X11 server:


Optionally set keyboard model and variant:


Set more than one layout and set option for switching between them:


You can set Convert parameter to ‘True’, mapping for virtual console will be set also then (nearest console keyboard setting for the chosen X11 setting):


Setting default key mapping of the virtual console

Set default key mapping for virtual console:


Again, setting Convert to ‘True’ will set the nearest X11 keyboard setting for the chosen console setting:


Setting system time

There are two possibilities of setting the system time. You can pass a value of microseconds (sic!) since 1 Jan 1970 UTC (Unix time a.k.a. POSIX time or Epoch time):

# set system time to Wed Nov 26 13:50:20 2014

Or you can set Relative parameter to ‘True’ and the passed usec value will be added to the current system time:

# move the system time 15 second backwards from current system time

Setting system timezone

Set the system timezone:


Note that if the RTC is configured to be maintained in local time it will be updated accordingly.

Setting whether the RTC is maintained in local time/UTC

Set that the RTC is maintained in local time:


If the FixSystem parameter is set to ‘True’, the time from the RTC is read again and the system clock adjusted according to the new setting. (This is useful in cases where the RTC is probably more reliable than the system time.)

Setting whether the system clock is syncrhonized with a remote NTP server

Enable synchronization of the system clock with a remote NTP server:
