Provider Registration

Each CMPI provider needs to be registered within the Object Manager (CIMOM) so the CIMOM can expose the classes implemented by the provider and delegate the client requested operations properly. This process is not covered by the DMTF standards and is being implemented by each CIMOM in a different proprietary way.

The OpenLMI project offers a special openlmi-mof-register script that enables the provider registration in a CIMOM-agnostic way and tries to overcome some of the other difficulties of the process. The script was designed for troubleshooting purposes and for distribution packagers. It is not meant to be used directly for the provider (de)registration under normal circumstances.


System administrators normaly do not need to use openlmi-mof-register tool when using OpenLMI providers installed from Linux distribution packages, such as Fedora RPM. The packaging system should already register the providers automatically (using openlmi-mof-register internally).

openlmi-mof-register is still avalaible there to either manually diagnose and fix problems in provider registration and for package maintainers to register/unregister providers on package installation/removal.

Using the registration script

The script provides a usage help when run with the --help option.

Basic operations

Every provider is accompanied with one or more MOF files and optionally a REG file. The registration process is slightly different for each case.

Registration with the REG file requires also manual specification of the provider version:

openlmi-mof-register register -v 1.0.0  MyMofFile1.mof MyMofFile2.mof MyRegFile.reg

In the case there is no REG file:

openlmi-mof-register register --just-mofs  MyMofFile1.mof MyMofFile2.mof

These commands register the provider implemented classes in the root/cimv2 namespace by default. The namespace can be overriden using the -n option if needed. It is possible to force registration for only one particular CIMOM using the -c option. So, for example to register a provider only in the Pegasus’ /root/interop namespace:

openlmi-mof-register register -n "root/interop" -c pegasus --just-mofs  MyMofFile1.mof MyMofFile2.mof

To unregister the provider, run:

openlmi-mof-register unregister MyMofFile.mof MyMofFile2.mof MyRegFile.reg

Again, to unregister just from one CIMOM, use the -c option.

To view the known registrations:

openlmi-mof-register list


The script stores the registration data in a special database in /var/lib/openlmi-registration/redb.sqlite and backs up the provided MOF and REG files. The purpose of this arrangement is to allow installation of the providers independent of the CIMOM installation. The script should be able to detect presence of SFCB and/or OpenPegasus CIMOM and re-do the registrations simply by running:

openlmi-mof-register re-register