
Class reference

Subclass of CIM_FileSpecification

Identifies both a physical file installed from RPM package and its original source in package. It represents a set of checks made to a single installed file provided by RPM package.

Local properties

boolean CheckMode

The CheckMode property is used to indicate whether the condition is expected to exist or not exist in the environment. When the value is True, the condition is expected to exist (e.g., a file is expected to be on a system), so the Invoke methods are expected to return True. When the value is False, the condition is not expected to exist (e.g., a file is not to be on a system), so the Invoke methods are expected to return False.

boolean FileExists

True, if file is present on file system.

uint32 UserID

User ID of installed file.

string Version

Version of RPM package in EVRA form. It stands for Epoch, Version, Revision and Architecture. It has a specific format: <epoch>-<version>-<release>.<architecture>.

uint64 FileSizeOriginal

File size in Bytes from RPM database.

string FileName

File name of verified file without any directory prefix.

uint16 ChecksumType

Number of hash algorithm according to RFC4880. This algorithm is used for making checksums of RPM files and packages. This algorithm is same for the whole RPM database.

ValueMap Values
1 MD5
2 SHA-1
3 RIPE-MD/160
8 SHA256
9 SHA384
10 SHA512
11 SHA224

uint64 LastModificationTime

Time of last modification of installed file as number a of seconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC). NULL if file does not exist.

string LinkTargetOriginal

Target destination of symbolic link from RPM database as returned by readlink. If file is not a symbolic link, NULL is returned.

uint8[] FileModeFlags

File mode of installed file as an array of permissions. Each value represents a bit position in file mode.

ValueMap Values
0 Execute Other
1 Write Other
2 Read Other
3 Execute Group
4 Write Group
5 Read Group
6 Execute User
7 Write User
8 Read User
9 Sticky

uint8[] FileModeFlagsOriginal

File mode as an array of permissions of file from RPM database. Each value represents a bit position in file mode.

ValueMap Values
0 Execute Other
1 Write Other
2 Read Other
3 Execute Group
4 Write Group
5 Read Group
6 Execute User
7 Write User
8 Read User
9 Sticky

uint32 FileModeOriginal

File mode as a number given by RPM database.

uint32 FileMode

File mode of installed file as a number. NULL if file does not exist.

uint32 GroupIDOriginal

Group ID of file from RPM database.

uint16 FileTypeOriginal

File type of file in RPM database.

ValueMap Values
0 Unknown
1 File
2 Directory
3 Symlink
5 Character Device
6 Block Device

uint16 TargetOperatingSystem

The Target Operating System of the SoftwareElement being checked.

ValueMap Values
0 Unknown
1 Other
6 Tru64 UNIX
7 OpenVMS
10 MVS
11 OS400
12 OS/2
13 JavaVM
15 WIN3x
16 WIN95
17 WIN98
20 NCR3000
21 NetWare
22 OSF
23 DC/OS
24 Reliant UNIX
25 SCO UnixWare
26 SCO OpenServer
27 Sequent
29 Solaris
30 SunOS
31 U6000
33 HP NonStop OS
34 HP NonStop OSS
35 BS2000
37 Lynx
39 VM
40 Interactive UNIX
42 FreeBSD
43 NetBSD
44 GNU Hurd
45 OS9
46 MACH Kernel
47 Inferno
48 QNX
50 IxWorks
51 VxWorks
52 MiNT
53 BeOS
55 NextStep
56 PalmPilot
57 Rhapsody
58 Windows 2000
59 Dedicated
60 OS/390
61 VSE
62 TPF
63 Windows (R) Me
64 Caldera Open UNIX
65 OpenBSD
66 Not Applicable
67 Windows XP
68 z/OS
69 Microsoft Windows Server 2003
70 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 64-Bit
71 Windows XP 64-Bit
72 Windows XP Embedded
73 Windows Vista
74 Windows Vista 64-Bit
75 Windows Embedded for Point of Service
76 Microsoft Windows Server 2008
77 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 64-Bit
78 FreeBSD 64-Bit
79 RedHat Enterprise Linux
80 RedHat Enterprise Linux 64-Bit
81 Solaris 64-Bit
83 SUSE 64-Bit
85 SLES 64-Bit
86 Novell OES
87 Novell Linux Desktop
88 Sun Java Desktop System
89 Mandriva
90 Mandriva 64-Bit
91 TurboLinux
92 TurboLinux 64-Bit
93 Ubuntu
94 Ubuntu 64-Bit
95 Debian
96 Debian 64-Bit
97 Linux 2.4.x
98 Linux 2.4.x 64-Bit
99 Linux 2.6.x
100 Linux 2.6.x 64-Bit
101 Linux 64-Bit
102 Other 64-Bit
103 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
104 VMware ESXi
105 Microsoft Windows 7
106 CentOS 32-bit
107 CentOS 64-bit
108 Oracle Linux 32-bit
109 Oracle Linux 64-bit
110 eComStation 32-bitx
111 Microsoft Windows Server 2011
113 Microsoft Windows Server 2012
114 Microsoft Windows 8
115 Microsoft Windows 8 64-bit
116 Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2

string Name

Absolute path of file being checked.

uint32 UserIDOriginal

User ID of file from RPM database.

uint16 FileType

File type of installed file. NULL if file does not exist.

ValueMap Values
0 Unknown
1 File
2 Directory
3 Symlink
5 Character Device
6 Block Device

uint64 LastModificationTimeOriginal

Time of last modification of file from RPM database as a number of secodns since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC).

string FileChecksumOriginal

Checksum of file from RPM database. Hash algorithm used can be obtained with ChecksumType property. It contains NULL for all file types but regular file.

string LinkTarget

Target destination of symbolic link as returned by readlink. If file is not a symbolic link or it’s missing, NULL is returned.

uint16 SoftwareElementState

The SoftwareElementState of the SoftwareElement being checked.

ValueMap Values
0 Deployable
1 Installable
2 Executable
3 Running

uint32 GroupID

Group ID of installed file.

string MD5Checksum

MD5 checksum of installed file. It’s computed only for regular files.

uint16[] FailedFlags

Returns array of flags representing test that did not pass. Note that not all tests are run on every file. Tests are selected depending on file type stored in package database. If the file is missing, no other tests are run. Flag is present in the output array if the test has been run and file did not pass it. Values representing tests being run are: “Existence” - it applies to every file type; “FileSize” - applies only to regular files and symbolic links; “FileMode” - includes check for permissions and file type. Permissions are not checked for symbolic links. “Checksum” - applies only to regular files; “Device Number” - tests major/minor device number; “LinkTarget” - tested only on symbolic links; “UserID” and “GroupID” - apply to every file type; “Last Modification Time” is tested only on regular files.

ValueMap Values
0 Existence
1 FileSize
2 FileMode
3 Checksum
4 Device Number
5 LinkTarget
6 UserID
7 GroupID
8 Last Modification Time

string CheckID

This contains InstanceID of asynchronous job if this check is a result of job invocation. Otherwise “LMI:LMI_SoftwareIdentityFileCheck” will be present. In former case, the format of value will be: “LMI:LMI_SoftwareVerificationJob:<id>”, where <id> is job’s identification number in decimal format.

string SoftwareElementID

This is an identifier for the SoftwareElement being checked.

uint64 FileSize

Size of installed file in Bytes. It’s NULL if file does not exist or it’s not a regular file or symbolic link.

string FileChecksum

Checksum of installed file. Hash algorithm used can be obtained with ChecksumType property. This property contains valid value only for regular files. NULL is present if check could not be done.

Local methods

uint32 Invoke ()

The Invoke method evaluates this Check. The details of the evaluation are described by the specific subclasses of CIM_Check. When the SoftwareElement being checked is already installed, the CIM_InstalledSoftwareElement association identifies the CIM_ComputerSystem in whose context the Invoke is executed. If this association is not in place, then the InvokeOnSystem method should be used - since it identifies the TargetSystem as an input parameter of the method.

The results of the Invoke method are based on the return value. A zero is returned if the condition is satisfied. A one is returned if the method is not supported. Any other value indicates the condition is not satisfied.



uint32 InvokeOnSystem (CIM_ComputerSystem TargetSystem)

The InvokeOnSystem method evaluates this Check. The details of the evaluation are described by the specific subclasses of CIM_Check. The method’s TargetSystem input parameter specifies the ComputerSystem in whose context the method is invoked.

The results of the InvokeOnSystem method are based on the return value. A zero is returned if the condition is satisfied. A one is returned if the method is not supported. Any other value indicates the condition is not satisfied.


IN CIM_ComputerSystem TargetSystem
Reference to ComputerSystem in whose context the method is to be invoked.

Inherited properties

uint32 CRC1
string InstanceID
string Caption
uint64 Generation
uint32 CheckSum
uint32 CRC2

Inherited methods
