
Class reference

Subclass of CIM_LogicalDevice

A MediaAccessDevice represents the ability to access one or more media and use this media to store and retrieve data.

Local properties

boolean MediaIsLocked

True indicates that the media is locked in the Device and can not be ejected. For non-removeable Devices, this value should be true.

uint64 MaxAccessTime

Time in milliseconds to move from the first location on the Media to the location that is furthest with respect to time. For a DiskDrive, this represents full seek + full rotational delay. For TapeDrives, this represents a search from the beginning of the tape to the most physically distant point. (The end of a tape may be at its most physically distant point, but this is not necessarily true.)

string UnitsDescription

Defines ‘Units’ relative to its use in the property, MaxUnitsBeforeCleaning. This describes the criteria used to determine when the MediaAccessDevice should be cleaned.

datetime TimeOfLastMount

For a MediaAccessDevice that supports removable Media, the most recent date and time that Media was mounted on the Device. For Devices accessing nonremovable Media, such as hard disks, this property has no meaning and is not applicable.

uint16[] Capabilities

Capabilities of the MediaAccessDevice. For example, the Device may support “Random Access”, removeable media and “Automatic Cleaning”. In this case, the values 3, 7 and 9 would be written to the array.

Several of the enumerated values require some explanation: 1) Value 11, Supports Dual Sided Media, distinguishes a Device that can access both sides of dual sided Media, from a Device that reads only a single side and requires the Media to be flipped; and, 2) Value 12, Predismount Eject Not Required, indicates that Media does not have to be explicitly ejected from the Device before being accessed by a PickerElement.

ValueMap Values
0 Unknown
1 Other
2 Sequential Access
3 Random Access
4 Supports Writing
5 Encryption
6 Compression
7 Supports Removeable Media
8 Manual Cleaning
9 Automatic Cleaning
10 SMART Notification
11 Supports Dual Sided Media
12 Predismount Eject Not Required

uint64 UnloadTime

Time in milliseconds from being able to read or write a Media to its ‘unload’. For example, for DiskDrives, this is the interval between a disk spinning at nominal speeds and a disk not spinning. For TapeDrives, this is the time for a Media to go from its BOT to being fully ejected and accessible to a PickerElement or human operator.

uint64 TotalMountTime

For a MediaAccessDevice that supports removable Media, the total time (in seconds) that Media have been mounted for data transfer or to clean the Device. For Devices accessing nonremovable Media, such as hard disks, this property is not applicable and should be set to 0.

uint32 UncompressedDataRate

The sustained data transfer rate in KB/sec that the Device can read from and write to a Media. This is a sustained, raw data rate. Maximum rates or rates assuming compression should not be reported in this property.

datetime LastCleaned

The date and time on which the Device was last cleaned.

string CompressionMethod

A free form string indicating the algorithm or tool used by the device to support compression. If it is not possible or not desired to describe the compression scheme (perhaps because it is not known), recommend using the following words: “Unknown” to represent that it is not known whether the device supports compression capabilities or not, “Compressed” to represent that the device supports compression capabilities but either its compression scheme is not known or not disclosed, and “Not Compressed” to represent that the devices does not support compression capabilities.

uint64 UnitsUsed

An unsigned integer indicating the currently used ‘units’ of the AccessDevice, helpful to describe when the Device may require cleaning. The property, UnitsDescription, defines how ‘units’ should be interpreted.

uint32 NumberOfMediaSupported

When the MediaAccessDevice supports multiple individual Media, this property defines the maximum number which can be supported or inserted.

uint64 DefaultBlockSize

Default block size, in bytes, for this Device.

string[] CapabilityDescriptions

An array of free-form strings providing more detailed explanations for any of the AccessDevice features indicated in the Capabilities array. Note, each entry of this array is related to the entry in the Capabilities array that is located at the same index.

string ErrorMethodology

ErrorMethodology is a free-form string describing the type(s) of error detection and correction supported by this Device.

uint64 MinBlockSize

Minimum block size, in bytes, for media accessed by this Device.

uint16 Security

An enumeration indicating the operational security defined for the MediaAccessDevice. For example, information that the Device is “Read Only” (value=4) or “Boot Bypass” (value=6) can be described using this property.

ValueMap Values
1 Other
2 Unknown
3 None
4 Read Only
5 Locked Out
6 Boot Bypass
7 Boot Bypass and Read Only

uint64 MaxUnitsBeforeCleaning

An unsigned integer indicating the maximum ‘units’ that can be used, with respect to the AccessDevice, before the Device should be cleaned. The property, UnitsDescription, defines how ‘units’ should be interpreted.

uint64 MountCount

For a MediaAccessDevice that supports removable Media, the number of times that Media have been mounted for data transfer or to clean the Device. For Devices accessing nonremovable Media, such as hard disks, this property is not applicable and should be set to 0.

uint64 LoadTime

Time in milliseconds from ‘load’ to being able to read or write a Media. For example, for DiskDrives, this is the interval between a disk not spinning to the disk reporting that it is ready for read/write (ie, the disk spinning at nominal speeds). For TapeDrives, this is the time from a Media being injected to reporting that it is ready for an application. This is usually at the tape’s BOT area.

boolean NeedsCleaning

Boolean indicating that the MediaAccessDevice needs cleaning. Whether manual or automatic cleaning is possible is indicated in the Capabilities array property.

uint64 MaxBlockSize

Maximum block size, in bytes, for media accessed by this Device.

uint64 MaxMediaSize

Maximum size, in KBytes, of media supported by this Device. KBytes is interpreted as the number of bytes multiplied by 1000 (NOT the number of bytes multiplied by 1024).

Local methods

uint32 LockMedia (boolean Lock)

Method to lock and unlock the media in a removeable Access Device. The method takes one parameter as input - a boolean indicating whether to lock or unlock. TRUE indicates that the media should be locked in the Device, FALSE indicates that the media should be unlocked. The method returns 0 if successful, 1 if not supported, and any other value if an error occurred. The set of possible return codes should be specified in a ValueMap qualifier on the method. The strings to which the ValueMap contents are ‘translated’ should be specified as a Values array qualifier on the method.


IN boolean Lock
If TRUE, lock the media. If FALSE release the media.